Award Programs - PWDCA and Ours
The PWDCA offers certificates, awards, and pins for titling your dog in various venues. There are two main programs: the MAC and the ROM. The club will send venue specific pins for AKC titles earned in the venues of agility, obedience, rally, tracking, water, and conformation. Membership in the PWDCA is required for these programs.
The Multiple Achievement Certificate (MAC) program rewards breadth of participation by requiring multiple areas of competition, but without restriction as to registry. The level 1 Multiple Achievement Certificate (MAC-1) will be awarded to a dog for earning any 7 titles in a minimum of three areas of competition and can include the CGC title, the Farm Dog Certification title, and the Temperament Test title. The MAC-2 and higher will be awarded to that dog for each set of 6 additional titles from 3 areas of competition. Duplicate titles from multiple registries are allowed. The PWDCA ROM program acknowledges outstanding working ability and versatility. It consists of four levels: the first level is the Bronze Register of Merit (BROM) which is awarded when the dog earns 4 titles from 3 areas of AKC or CKC competition. The second level is the Silver Register of Merit (SROM) which is awarded when the dog earns 5 titles from at least 3 areas of competition and one of the titles must be a PWDCA water title or award. The third level is the Gold Register of Merit (GROM) awarded when the dog earns 6 titles from 4 different venues; 2 of the titles must be water titles (AWD and WWD minimally) and 2 of the titles must be advanced (WWD would count as one). The fourth level is the Platinum Register of Merit (PROM) awarded when the dog earns 10 titles/awards from 5 different venues; 4 of the 10 titles must be water titles and 2 must be awards. The ROMs are highlighted at the annual National Specialty. We will offer monetary awards, as was offered to us by our breeder, for putting titles on your dog. Most titles awarded will be for AKC events or PWDCA Water trials. You may receive one reward per level of performance and must provide a copy of the title earned to us. When you receive a title at the advanced level or beyond, you must provide both a copy of the title and a high-quality photo of your dog that you give us permission to use on our website and/or in a congratulatory advertisement in the Courier magazine. Please see below for more details. |
Performance Level
Advanced Champion Tricks
Title Earned
Obedience - BN, CD, GN
Agilty - NA, NAJ, NF Scentwork - TD, TDU, NW1, SWN Water - JWD, AWD Obedience - CDX, GO Agilty - OA, OAJ, OF Scentwork - TDX, NW2, SWA Water - WWD Any level of MAC from the PWDCA Bronze or Silver Register of Merit from the PWDCA Obedience - UD, UDX, VER, OM
Agilty - AX, AXJ, XF, MX, MXJ, MF Scentwork - VST, NW3, NW-Elite, SWE, SWM Water - CWD, MWD Gold Register of Merit from the PWDCA Conformation: CH and Above
OTCH, MACH, CT, RACH Platinum Register of Merit from the PWDCA Performer or Performer Elite
$50 $100